I have compiled my GS notes below. They are mostly on evernote. Being in a job I found evernote useful as I can access it from anywhere. My handwritten notes are very few.
These notes have been made from various sources: forumias material, visionias material, toppers answersheet, economic survey, heavy use of internet, NCERT books etc.
Many of these are not very neat and have been made for revision purpose.
Many notes are very small and serve only an indicative purpose like what are the various things one should cover (like NCERT Crux, Economic survey notes).
IMO aspirants can benefit more from my essay and GS-4 notes as it takes some time to collect good examples, quote for these two papers. I have worked upon these and you can further build upon that.
GS1,GS2,GS3 notes are more of compilation of various things I read. I just segregated them for easy revision.
I also made a number of notes on current affairs.
All these are listed below. If not the line-by-line reading, then a broad perusal might help you in understanding the architecture of notes making.
With best wishes,
Your Personal Hooks/lines/conclusions
Revision of telegram notes-2018
Vision 365 and value add material
Current Affairs
Vision 365